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Did you know that all tea comes from one plant? Yup! Green, black, white… Now I know what you’re thinking, “what about teas like peppermint? Chamomile? And other teas like that?” Well, they’re not “tea” at all. They’re called infusions or Tisanes. We will go into more detail on those later.

Now with that being said, it would seem that the tea world would be limited to a certain extent. I can assure you however, this is not the case. The tea universe is incredibly diverse, beautiful, and extensive way beyond what we are exposed to on a daily basis.

How is this diversity accomplished? How can one plant produce SO many exquisite bouquets and flavors? It’s all in the process. How it’s picked, what leaves are used, is it roasted or steamed, is it rolled or not, how many steps does it go through?

I shall not bore you with the technical part of it.

The important thing to know is that the simplest actions, can produce the biggest change.

I hope you will join me as we virtually travel the globe, bringing the scents, flavors, and experiences right to your own home. So, sit back and relax with your slippers, lounging in a tub, enjoying a good book or laying on the couch watching your favorite mystery show (my personal favorite), and get ready to brew! As the Germans would say “Prost Tee!”

Prost Tee – A German phrase which is common among the local tea shops. Meaning “Cheers to Tea!”

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