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March 2018

Why tea?

Why tea?

Passion. What is it exactly? The conservationist that knows every detail ever written about all animals and still dives deeper. The chef that has cooked his whole life and still eagerly heats up the pan every day. The musician that plays at every open mic as loudly as the last…

Most of the time, a passion that is pursued does not produce an immediate profit, unlike a vocation or job. So why does someone pursue a passion? The first time the painter creates a work of art, he doesn’t immediately see a $500 deposit, and probably won’t for years. But that does not stop him because it is not money that drives him. It is his passion… it compels him. Because the feeling you get from pursuing a passion, that satisfaction, is far greater than the momentary reward of a paycheck. It is like a direct deposit to your soul.

That’s the thing about passion. It makes the difficult practices in life easier. Otherwise they fizzle out as fast as my New Year’s resolutions. Passion we are born with, grow up in, and forever is with us. It is something that no matter what, keeps us pushing, singing, applying, writing, pursuing. Like a best friend that lives within each of us.


That. That is what passion is to me. Something that will forever be in your life. People think of it when they hear your name. It stirs a smile and pure joy in you, and those whom you share it with.


So why tea? Because I find great joy in sharing my passions. And in case you haven't noticed, tea is one of them. In person, I do it by making my loved ones that perfectly brewed cup of their favorite tea, seeing the joy light up their face as you hand it over, the happiness of that first sip and a smile of anticipation spread over there face for the rest of the cup. It’s magical to me. It brings instant warmth, comfort and healing. It is like a consumable escape for your soul, contained in a mug or tea cup. I want to share that with the world and to spread that joy as far as I can. 

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